Tuesday, January 8, 2019

God's love surrounds us!

January 9, 2019

Wednesday after Epiphany
1 John 4: 11-18; Mark 6: 45-52

It was a long time ago, but the experience has not left my mind. A child, hardly 2 years, had a tumour on her face,which had grown so big that it had covered the eyes and the child could not open her eyes. Admitted in the hospital the child was crying incessantly, firstly due to pain and then due to fear, remember she was not even able to see whether there was someone standing around her. Every time the mother put her hand into the hands of the child or on the tiny body of the child, the child would calm down and sleep; but the moment the mother took her hands off or left the side, the child never ceased crying! 

The Word today reminded me of that scene: with the Lord around, it does not matter what kind of a situation, we can go through it with calm and quietude. In the absence of the Lord, even a mole hill would appear to be a mountain and a gentle breeze a storm! Let nothing perturb you, saints repeatedly say. 

The love of the Lord surrounds us! Let us live our moments caressed in the love of God and become signs and bearers of that love to those around us. Even those who are in the thick of darkness, unable to see anything around, would feel calm and strong, if we bring alive to them the presence of God's love in those moments of their lives. God's love surrounds us, in fact in it we live, move and have our being. If we are mindful of the love that surrounds us, we shall be invariably led to love each other. If we love one another, God remains in us!

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