Wednesday, January 16, 2019

TODAY - that's the key!

January 17, 2019

Thursday, 1st week in Ordinary time
Hebrews 3: 7-14; Mark 1: 40-45

By the time we end the Liturgy of the Word today, we would have heard the word 'today' atleast 9 times (from the first reading and the psalm)! In fact, that is the key to the message from the Word today. 

Any good that we wish to do, any change that we would wish to make in our life, any beginning we would love to make in our ways - the day to do it is today! The time to do it is now! There is no virtue in glorying in the past that is far gone and no use in waiting for an opportune future! Act now and act today. 

When that person with leprosy approached Jesus, he cured him then and there! Jesus was not thinking of a justification as from the past experience whether he should do it or not; he was not concerned about so many who are affected in the society and how he would reach out to all of them... those were questions that never mattered to him. What mattered was the person in front of him, who stood in need of a healing touch, a compassionate caress, a loving embrace - and Jesus gave it right then and right there. 

Don Bosco would often say, do all the good you can when you still have the time! If you wish to do something good, do it TODAY! Doing good to myself: making right choices and right direction changes from things that do not really bring true fullness into my life; or doing good to others: being there for others, setting our hearts to think of others, wishing the good of the others; or doing good to humanity: standing for the right values and perpetrating only life-giving principles... whatever be the good... let us do it TODAY. Let the good begin with me, here and TODAY! 


Ebenezer.J said...

Though the body is weak, Dear Merciful LORD OF LOVE and COMPASSION, Plese strengthen the body BY YOUR HOLY SPRIT. We will be enabled to do Your Will TODAY.

Ebenezer.J said...

Though the body is weak, Dear Merciful LORD OF LOVE and COMPASSION, Plese strengthen the body BY YOUR HOLY SPRIT. We will be enabled to do Your Will TODAY.