Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Yield and Grow!

January 30, 2019

Wednesday, 3rd week in Ordinary time
Hebrews 10: 11-18; Mark 4: 1-20

Not Sacrifice but obedience is what I wish, says the Lord; an obedience that is not considered a sacrifice on your part, but offered out of an immense love that comes from your heart. It cannot be something that is forced on you from elsewhere... but it has to be something that arises from your heart, from the core of your being, transforming your entire self into an acceptable living sacrifice unto God (Rom 12:1). 

A life that is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord - that is what the Word impresses upon us this day: living an acceptable life in the presence of God. It is never the case that the Lord rejects us or finds us unacceptable; the Lord said he had come to call the sinners and not the righteous! But the fact is we choose to alienate ourselves from the Lord by the very choices we make on a daily basis and at every moment of decision making.

We may easily complain...the situation around is bad or that the conditions of life are not conducive. The Lord is not a demanding officer of returns, but a loving parent who wishes to see us grow. Our conditions differ: some more cosy and comfortable, others tough and torturous, yet others inspiring and helpful, while some really evil and gruesome! 

The Lord knows everything, all that surrounds us and whatever is within us. Sometimes we think we are thrown here in this situation; remember, we are not thrown, we are sown! There is a purpose to everything that is there around us and if only we obey and yield to the Lord, the Lord is creating something new!

All that is asked of me is that I do my best without any compromise, wherever I am or in whatever condition I find myself in; the rest the One who has sown me here will take care. All that I need to do is, keep growing... keep yielding to the Lord because it is the Lord who gives us the growth!

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