Sunday, February 3, 2019


2 be or not 2 be

4th Sunday in Ordinary time: Feb 3, 2019
Jeremiah 1: 4-5,17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:13; Luke 4: 21-30

Every reality has at least two sides... and the reality of our call too has two sides and the readings invite us ponder on a few twos today...

God gives us two reminders today: 

God says, I have called you, called you before you were formed in your mother's womb, called you to be mine, called you to carry my message to the peoples, called you to be the light of the nations, called you to be my signs and bearers of my Word, called you to bring good news to the poor, called you to speak my Words...MY Words to the people, as I want it to be spoken, called you to go to the all the people of the world and tell them I love them all as my own!

God also says, when you do this the very people will come against you, they will plot against you, they will consider you a disturbance, they will condemn you to be ostracised, they will find ways and means of throwing you down the cliff - but do not worry, I shall be with you! I shall be your stronghold, your protection, your refuge, your hiding place, your consolation and your way forward!

The Word faces two responses always:

When you, O prophet of God, proclaim God's Word - there are those who find it so gracious and give praise to God, there are those who accept it with joy, there are those who  long for more of it, there are those who love it with all their life, there are those who will admire and support! But are they all?

When you go with the Word, O prophet there will be those who will be offended, those who will oppose you, those who will deride you, those who will find fault with you, those who will take you to task, those who will raise their eye brows in suspicion, those who will malign your name, those who will question your credibility, those who will impute vile intentions to your acts, those who will criticise you on your face, those who will calumniate behind your back... Are you ready to respond to it all, with love in your heart?

Love poses two challenges constantly:

God's call is to love, to go out to others in love, to reach out in love, to speak to others the Word of God in love, to bear God's love to everyone specially those who have not experienced love in life, to pull up others in love, to care for the true and integral well being of others in true Christian love. That is the challenge of a servant of God, of the true people of God! But do you think your love shall be just reciprocated anytime? 

God's call is to love, and when we go out with love, there are those who try our patience, those who take our kindness for granted, those who discriminate, those who insult, those who willfully offend, those who speak noting but legalities, those who cheat and those who say lies... anyway we are called to love, because love is patient, kind and gentle; it never looks for its rewards!

The call is challenging, the call to be the Messengers of the Word is a call to be signs and bearers of God's love to the others, to the world, to the people - whether they listen and accept it or not, whether they love you in return or hate you to death - I have to decide: to be or not to be - God's light to the nations!

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