Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Be Prayer

Journey to Holiness: Pray, with your life

March 14, 2019: Thursday, First week of Lent
Esther 4:17; Matthew 7:7-12

Be Prayer - it may sound a bit odd, but that is what matters more than saying prayers! Both, the example of Esther that is offered and the teaching of Christ on asking, seeking and knocking, reiterate that specific dimension of prayer. At times we are busy saying prayers that we do not realize our call to 'be prayer'! 

Being Prayer has two meanings: 

One, being the one who prays..."pray-er"! Bringing one's whole self into prayer that it becomes a self offering to the Lord with heart, soul, body and mind! 

Secondly, being prayer means being what we pray. If we pray for peace, we become the agents of peace; if we pray for the needy, we become the consolation of those in need; if we pray for the Church, we grow to be responsible members of the Church, and so on. 

Esther, in her act of praying was getting ready to offer herself totally despite risks, for the sake of God's people. Jesus concludes his teachings on prayer with the golden rule: do unto others what you wish be done unto you! The key is here: let us mean what we pray, and be daring enough to take up the challenge that our prayer poses to ourselves. Praying is not an easy job; it is demanding!

Holiness tip for today: Pray, with your life not merely with your words!

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