Friday, April 12, 2019

Be Gathered

Journey to Holiness: Let go of your pride and your selfishness

April 13, 2019: Saturday, Fifth week in Lent
Ezekiel 37: 21-28; John 11: 45-56

'It is better for one man to die for the people, than for the whole nation to be destroyed': this is a classical self centered mode of thought that we see in the world, whether of today or of any day! 'It is better for that person to suffer', 'it is alright for that group of people to be exploited', 'it is normal for a category of people to be denied their rights', 'it is no big issue to consume nature beyond a limit'... and how many other versions of this inhuman selfishness expressed in words, works, policies and practices in our society today. 

Added to the fact that this is inhuman, this is totally and drastically unacceptable in the eyes of the Divine. The Lord had created everything and everyone with a purpose and when that purpose is not sufficiently understood or upheld, there arises a crisis that is unsolvable! Almost all of the crises that the whole universe is faced with these days are due to exactly this callous attitude of the humankind - exclusively, humankind! It is they to whom the Lord entrusted everything in this world and precisely they went berserk in their values and priorities.

The only solution to the issues that are ravaging the universe is to realise that we are God's people, God's flock and be gathered into that flock once again, rediscovering the purpose of our creation and going by what the Lord wants us to. Instead of looking for scapegoats to blame it on or shirk our suffering on to, we have to own up our responsibilities and look for means to be gathered. The Lord invites us to gather under the Lord's wings: what better place than our very origins! I shall be your God and you shall be my people!

Holiness tip for Today: Let go of your pride and selfishness; recognise God as one Lord; submit in all your deeds!

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