Monday, April 1, 2019

Be Life-giving

Journey to Holiness: Notice life flowing unto to you

April 2, 2019: Tuesday, 4th week in Lent
Ezekiel 47: 1-9, 12; John 5: 1-3, 5-16

We read of the waters giving life and health wherever it flowed, in the first reading. The people and the crippled man whom we meet in the Gospel today knew about this life giving water and the man wanted to go into the water that it could give health back to him. The life giving water was just a little away from him, but he could not get into it. When Jesus came to him, hardly did he notice that the life giving water had come to him, instead of he going to it. 

Many a time, we are so too... hardly noticing the life giving water flowing unto us! Jesus comes to us, the Life-giver comes in search of us every moment of our lives and we fail to receive him with the eagerness that we should - instead we are all worried about things that do not matter at all. Just like those Jews who saw the crippled man walk with his mat and were more worried that he was carrying the mat on a sabbath than wondering how he received his health back! 

We would also turn life giving if only we notice the life giver come to us in every way everyday. Wherever we go, we could carry his presence, give life to all and make people wholesome. That is the walk of holiness we are invited to make: to receive life from the life giver and give to all, as life-givers! Let us realise and take seriously our call to be life givers!

Holiness tip for Today: Get in touch with the Life-giver, and touch some one today, making them more filled with life and happiness.

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