Tuesday, April 30, 2019

God so loves!

WORD 2day: 2nd Wednesday of Easter

May 1, 2019: Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker
Acts 5: 17-26; John 3: 16-21 

Acts of the Apostles, beginning with the Ascension of the Lord, contains as many wondrous events that took place as in any of the Gospels. We see a totally different kind of persons in the apostles. They were confident, truly courageous and absolutely committed - this was never the case when they were going around with Jesus. What made the difference? The difference was that they realised, 'God so loved the world...'!

"God so loves", is such a powerful realisation that it can make many things happen even in a heart that appears to be the most arid of all. The disciples realised what Jesus did to them only after the Lord had left them! They also realised the immense plan that God had for humanity and for themselves, in and through the Christ event. They were so filled with the Holy Spirit that they felt the effect of it all over their selves. The fundamental of all these: the realisation of how much God loved them and us!

Today we have another great person that we celebrate - St. Joseph the Worker. The work that he carried out did not consist only of the carpentry that he supposedly involved in, but primarily, all the running about that he had to do for the sake of the Holy Family! That was within God's plan! If we go to look at it from the standards of the world: Joseph had nothing to gain from it! But he did it all, because he realised how much God loved humanity, how much God loved him and how much God wanted to share God's love with the humanity through God's Son!

On this occasion when we focus on the rights and recognition of the Working classes and their contribution to the common well being of humanity, we are called to realise that true commitment to the Lord and any real conversion can happen only where there is a personal realisation of how much God loves me! And all that I do has to become a fruit of that realisation!

Meditate everyday on the love of God for you personally and you will see the change of perspective it can offer!

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