Saturday, May 18, 2019


Behold, I make all things new!

Fifth Sunday of Easter: May 19, 2019

Acts 14: 21-27; Revelations 21:1-5; John 13: 31-33,34-35

- The times are bad; there is evil every where. Why is there so much of killings and violence; war and terrorism; where is humanity going today?
- Bomb blasts, terrorist attacks, political unrest and threats of nuclear war – what is brewing in today’s world?
- Poverty, misery, hunger and starvation – is it true that the world does not have enough for all? These have become common starters for a discussion today!

‘He will dwell with them and they shall be his people’, reminds the Second reading today… As people of God, what is our responsibility? It is to listen and believe in the words the Lord says today – Behold I make all things new! We cannot give into desperation! No, we cannot! “Never lose hope, Do not let yourself be robbed of hope!” cries our beloved holy father, Pope Francis. Yes, our call is to assist the Creator to make all things new – to behold a new heaven and a new earth! 

The Liturgy today presents to us the invitation, the challenge to assist at the creation of this new heaven and new earth amidst the cries of agony and apathy. Not only does it beckon us to the task, but outlines the way to accomplish the task – a line of action with three key elements: Primacy of God, Care of the least and the Commandment of Love. 

The First reading offers a compelling example   - the first community of disciples, existed for the gospel and lived in faith, in a spirit of prayer and fasting! Their life was a testimony to the marvels that God accomplished every day in and through their lives, because they live constantly in the presence of God. The primacy of God is in crisis today – and that explains the whole lot of tribulations that humanity faces today. Hence the first line of action is to reinstate the primacy of God. 

The Care of the least, the concern for those who are suffering, the commitment to the marginalized, the prophecy that challenges the neglected justice and denied rights – is an inalienable part of this process of creating new heaven and new earth. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more. And the Lord will do it through you and me! Every hand of a disciple of Christ should wipe the tears in the eyes of those in agony. Every word of a Christian should give new life to those who have lost hope. Every community of faith should sustain those who mourn and cry in society around itself. 

Commandment of Love, comes as the essence and the summary of the whole Christian presence. Christ speaks of the time that he will not be with his disciples and immediately presents them with the Commandment of love, as if to say – where there is love there is Christ. The corollary is more significant and consequential – where there is no love there is no Christ. “By this all will know that you are my disciples – if you have love for one another!” One cannot build the new heaven and the new earth, without a genuine Christ-like love in one’s heart.

Today there are many who propose projects and make manifestos  those who gather masses and garner public opinion, those who initiate movements and influence the society - all in the name of creating a new social order or creating a new world, in the name of progress and development. The Word today gives us the touchstone of Christian outlook - the commandment of love. St. Augustine said it in beautiful words, "Love, and do what you will. If you keep silence, do it out of love. If you cry out, do it our of love. If you refrain from punishing, do it out of love." 

Give God the primacy in daily life, Care for the least, the suffering and those in need around you, Love one another as Christ loves you - and you will be able to see the new heaven and the new earth, that is the Reign of God on earth. This is what the Lord tells you and me today!

May your Reign come O Lord!

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