Saturday, May 25, 2019

Are you GPS Enabled?

WORD 2day: 5th Saturday of Easter

May 25, 2019: Acts 16: 1-10; John 15: 18-21

Almost gone are those days when people bound for a place that they have never been to,  attempt to find their destinations with the help of people on the road,  bystanders, fellow passengers etc. Now a days with the smart phones everyone is GPS Enabled: Global Positioning System!

Today in the first reading we find the apostles also GPS enabled. They are instructed where to go and where not to go; and not only that what to say and what not to say, seems like an advanced tracking system. Yes, the GPS here is... God's Powerful Spirit.

In Gospel we see Jesus warning them, wherever they went there would be people against them,  because they were his disciples. But he assures that it was no reason to worry because they were GPS enabled: God's Protecting Spirit

To us too the message is the same: come what may,  with all the troubles and persecutions true disciples will go on and on; no political power or no manipulating system should stop us from living our life to the full, because we are are GPS Enabled: God's Propelling Spirit.

Let us pay heed to the invitation - to be disciples of Christ in our daily life with all its struggles and temptations, alarms and altercations. Let us ask ourselves: Are we GPS Enabled?

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