Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Memories that are Salvific

WORD 2day: 4th Thursday of Easter

May 16, 2019: Acts 13: 13-25; John 13: 16-20

The Word today insists upon our memories! This was one great problem with the people of Israel - they never remembered enough all that the Lord did to them. The walk through the red sea was soon forgotten, they complained about no food; the fall of manna was soon forgotten, they detested the monotony of food; the quails were soon taken for granted, they complained about no water; the water from the rock was soon forgotten they wanted a god amidst them...that is why the Lord brings in the right corrective for them: the Covenant! The codified memory of the way the Lord loved them! 

Jesus wants to leave a memory too...he gives a way to keep his memory alive: in serving each other! 

The antonym to this memory we refer to here, is not forgetfulness but taking for granted! We get so used to things that happen around us, that we do not see anything "extraordinary" in them. Beginning with basic things like waking up to the day, and being able to breathe in and breathe out, and upto the greatest wonder of seeing the simple bread change into the body of Christ, how many things we take for granted on a daily basis! 

A holy mind is a child's mind: everything should seem new and wonderful. This is one reason I thought of wishing a person last week (on his birthday), 'have a wonder-filled year ahead'! 

Let us have a wonder-filled day ahead!

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