Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Spiritual Capacity to accept Truth

WORD 2day: 6th Wednesday of Easter

May 29, 2019: Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1; John 16: 12-15

"When they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked...", we read in the first reading today. Some experiences are beyond our grasp at an initial instant, some experiences may be totally confusing while others may leave us with nothing to say. There are ways in which a person responds to a data that is beyond one's perception or beyond ordinary explanations. The first way is to outrightly reject it and the second is to ridicule it just because one cannot understand it. These two  display an arrogance that is not even humane, leave alone spiritual. 

The second type of response would be a bit more humane or simply human. That is, the person could begin to enquire about it and make some scientific efforts to understand it. 

The Greeks in Areopagus laugh at Paul and some consider him 'confused'... hardly a few tried genuinely understanding him! It was so difficult because they were not gripped by the Spirit... a Spiritual disposition alone can lead to some truths to be comprehended.

A Spiritual disposition in approaching new experiences would enable a person to perceive the truth in what is said, understand its true meaning and find relevance for one's life. This sort of a mind will not reject something merely because it seems new or it has not been so till then. The one who empowers a person towards such a disposition is the Spirit of truth, introduces Jesus in the Gospel today. 

The beautiful expression of St. Anselm, 'faith seeking understanding', is a grace! "When the Spirit of truth comes, the Spirit will guide you into all the truth"... the truth of what i am upto, the truth of who i really am and what i am called towards. Openness, respect and a sense of wonder are prerequisites for one to have real Spiritual Experiences!

Once again today, let our prayer be: Let your Spirit guide us O Lord!

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