Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Call to Sacred Interiority

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 11th week in Ordinary time 

June 19, 2019: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18

I know a person, a good friend of mine,  who is a trainer. He does the training of the younger cadets of the organisation that he was trained in. He distributes training kits and accessories on his own cost to those young trainees and does not receive any payment for his services other than the train ticket for his travel up and down! This has been going on for quite a few years now and I have not revealed his identity because he will not like it absolutely!

The true value of whatever we do depends more on 'why' we do than on 'what' we do. What we do, will vary according to our ability and the context-provided possibilities. But the why, will never change whether what I do increases or reduces. What I wish to reap I will reap; if it is popularity or publicity that I wish,  exactly that I shall reap! If it is true satisfaction and divine interior joy that I wish, precisely that the Almighty will grant! 

Interiority - that is the key word today, while the world keeps shouting out to us, "Get Noticed!" Much of the Spiritual journey is made in the portals of interiority. The capacity to live on the basis of one's personal convictions formed out of concrete experiences and wise judgements, guided and illumined by the inner light of the Spirit of God, is what we understand to be Interiority. 

Cheerful  giving, silent piety, hidden alms, secret sacrifices, tranquil spirituality... these are a few signs of interiority that readings point out today. Few more we could think of are hopeful spirit, realistic optimism, humble gratitude, genuine fellowship, unconditional forgiveness, simple behaviour, reflective thinking, compassionate listening, and so on. A person of interiority is like a still spring and a silent stream, they appear still and silent, but there is life within them. They look quite and ordinary, but within them resides the powerful Spirit of the all powerful God. Does it sound too philosophical? Yes, interiority takes you by force, it drags you in and tethers your mind around something that you cannot speak enough about. That is why great sages of our tradition have spoken very little and mostly in aphorisms; that is why Jesus spoke always in parables and metaphors. Let this call guide our day today - the call to a sacred interiority!

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