Tuesday, September 3, 2019

All out for the Word

WORD 2day: Wednesday,  22nd week in Ordinary time 

September 4, 2019: Colossians 1:1-8; Luke 4: 38-44

Paul,  Epaphras,  Jesus...all seem to be on the move. With a sense of urgency and a feeling of detachment they seem to move on from one place to another with the task of proclamation filling their minds. The question today is about our sense of apostleship. Are we filled with this urgency and are we convinced about this task given to us?

Proclamation is not the work of a few, it belongs to each and every one who is baptised. It is not an added feather to our hats but an essential mark of a Christian. Of course there is no one way of proclamation. Preaching or Speaking about it, is just one way;  example,  witness,  convictions,  values,  compassion and limitless love are all ways of sharing that Word with the world. The latter ways speak much louder than the mere words, we know that for sure!

Epaphras taught, Paul spoke and wrote, Jesus healed, spoke, taught, prayed, led, and kept pushing hard... all towards proclaiming the Reign of God which had to be established! It is God's work indeed to Reign...but it cannot be done unless we work for it. The first thing that we have to do is submit ourselves totally to its cause (that is what we see in these apostles, including Jesus, the apostle of the Father). 

And today, thinking so much about these tireless apostles and the Lord Jesus himself, let me ask myself 2 questions: am I convinced of my call to proclaim?  And what is my specific way of proclamation?

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