Friday, September 6, 2019

Allowing God to work

WORD 2daySaturday, 22nd week in Ordinary time

September 7, 2019: Colossians 1: 21-23; Luke 6: 1-5

Transforming a person is not difficult for God. The apostle reminds the Colossians in today's first reading, how they have been transformed by God, from foreigners and enemies to pure, holy and blameless people of God. Yes, transforming a person is by no means difficult for God, provided there is a will on the part of the person to be transformed. The flesh could be weak, but what is needed is the spirit that is willing as Jesus would instruct his disciples. 

Jesus found it so hard to make the pharisees and the scribes understand the Good News that he brought with him. Not because they were unintelligent nor because they were not able to see what Jesus was trying to tell them, but they were unwilling to see, they were refusing to change, they had decided not to transform themselves.  

We have today the sacraments and various other helps to pull ourselves up, make ourselves over and transform ourselves constantly in spite of our weaknesses, but we fail. Not because we cannot, but only because we do not want to, we do not will to. When we allow God to work in our lives, continuously pulling ourselves up and resuming our journey with the Lord, the Lord will surely transform us. 

That is the beautiful word we have in the responsorial, let us say it with faith: 'I have God for my help'. Only then will it mean that we have allowed God to work in and through us.

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