Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rebuild my House


September 26, 2019: Remembering Pope St. Paul VI
Haggai 1:1-8; Luke 9: 7-9

"Rebuild my house" - the famous call that set St. Francis of Assisi in motion. We hear the same words today, not just from the Word today but also from the world today. Like Francis of Assisi who misunderstood that call and set about initially building the ruined chapel, it is possible that we limit this "my house" in the Word of God to the Church. Pope Francis has time and again warned us of it in these half a decade of his papacy. 

We remember today another saintly pontiff, Pope St. Paul VI, who was instrumental in taking forward the 'Renewal' set ablaze by his predecessor Pope St. John and through the Vatican Council II. Though Vatican II could be seen as a call to renewal of the Church, it is more a call to renewal of the Church in the world, in a world that was so rapidly changing and transforming itself. Pope Paul VI has played a giant's role in shaping the Church to be what it is today, of course aided by the Council, but above all imbued with the Spirit!

When the Lord laments, "my house is in ruins" God refers to the entire humanity - is it not for God to dwell in humanity that the mystery of Incarnation and the story of salvation was realised? Killings in the name of God, killings for money or power, manipulation of the poor and the powerless by the moneyed and the muscled, silencing of the just and righteous, destruction caused by greed and avarice - humanity, the house of God, is in ruins! 

"Rebuild my house," commissions the Lord. Am I serious about doing my bit?

Please Note:
After having posted the reflection, I realised that from the Vatican, on Feb 6, 2019 there was a directive to henceforth celebrate the feast of this great Holy Father on May 29th (His Ordination Day) instead of September 26 (his birthday). I regret for the wrong commemoration, but not for the reflection... May be the Spirit of the Lord wanted it so, in these days when there are so many so easily speaking against the Papacy! 

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