Friday, September 13, 2019

The Cross Talk - look up, be lifted up & lift up


September 14, 2019: The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Numbers 21: 4-9; (Optional 2nd reading: Phillipians 2: 6-11); John 3:13-17

Celebrating the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, our focus is on that symbol of God's love for humanity, the Tree of our Salvation. Exalting the Cross today, we are called to hearken to the voice of the Cross. If the Cross would speak to us, we would hear these three words: Look up, be lifted up and lift up!

1. Look Up: 
Look up to the Cross and be saved. It is in and through the Cross that we have been saved. Cross is not a symbol of suffering nor a sign of curse. By choosing the Cross as his weapon and throne, Christ who has conquered the world has won God's salvation for us. In all our difficulties we are called to look up and draw hope from this Cross. It is here that we are reminded to check our fear of looking at the cross as if it augurs suffering for us. It is the sign of love, the face of God so bruised after a battle to win us eternity. 

2. Be Lifted Up: 
When we look up, we are given the light. Those who look up to Him shall never be ashamed, promises the Word. We are invited to be lifted up by the Lord... just like the Saviour who was lifted up! The love of the Lord will lift us up, in spite of the burdens we bear and the clutches that tend to pull us down. Let us not be weighed down by the loads we carry. Let us surrender, so that we can be lifted up; let us humble ourselves before the Lord that we could be lifted up by the Lord.

3. Lift Up: 
Once lifted up, the Son of Man would draw everyone to Himself. And once we are lifted up by the Son, we should in turn lift everyone else up to the Lord. Our life has been punctuated with so many blessings and marvels from the Lord and today, we look up, we gaze at the One who is lifted up, and be lifted up ourselves. Our life in Lord should lift up the rest of the humankind with us to the Lord that everyone may look up to Him and be saved. Can I really say, that my words, my thoughts, my attitudes and my way of life, is capable of lifting people up to the Lord?

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