Friday, October 25, 2019

Be in Christ and bear fruit

WORD 2day: Saturday, 29th week in Ordinary time

October 26, 2019: Romans 8: 1-11; Luke 13: 1-9

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, declares St. Paul. But the real question is, what does it mean to 'be in Christ'? To be in Christ, does not simply mean, I am born a Christian, or I am baptised into the means to be in the Spirit, to live according to the Spirit, to walk according to the Spirit, to set our minds on the Spirit, and above all, to bear fruit in the Spirit. Unless i am possessed by the Spirit of Christ, I would not belong to Christ.

How do I know, if I am possessed by the Spirit of Christ? By the fruits do you get to know the tree!(Mt 7:20) What thoughts fill my mind readily? What words cross the threshold of my lips spontaneously? What actions am I prone to naturally? What decisions come by easily for me to take? These are the signs that can tell me, whether I am possessed by Christ - if these correspond to the Spirit of Christ.

How do I know about the others, whether someone is truly possessed by the Spirit of Christ? It is not upto me to judge someone good or bad; to condone or condemn someone, is not a duty assigned to me. At times we see some end up sadly. Every such sad or sorry end of someone is a repeated warning to me, to check the ground that I am on; to check the growth within me and around me that I am nurturing, to check the fruits that I bring forth.

Everyday is a new opportunity that the Lord gives, to turn around, renew ourselves, repristine our choices and bear fruit! The readings seem to scream at us: "Bear fruits worthy of repentance. ... for the axe lies at the root of the tree!" (Lk 3:8,9)

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