Thursday, October 3, 2019

Becoming truly Christ-ian


October 4, 2019: Celebrating St. Francis of Assisi
Galatians 6: 14-18; Matthew 11: 28-30

St. Francis has been identified as the person who imitated Christ the closest! His greatness lay in his simplicity, his humility and his love for poverty! That is why when the present Holy Father chose to follow his model, the whole world could not resist taking notice of him...that was nearly 6 years ago! Today, when he continues to the depths of living the values that Francis imbibed from Christ - there is so much criticism, misgivings, name-callings and even threats of schism from some sides!

Where does this challenge come from? Where does the simplicity and humility, singleness of focus come from? Is it a mere showmanship? If so... it just cannot last long! For St. Francis, it came from his realisation of the fact that he was sent; that he was called, called with a specific mission, at a specific time and in his specific context! 

We hear St. Paul speaking of his call and his times: I bear the marks of Christ on my body. Some bible scholars even wonder if St. Paul was given the gift of the stigmata, because of these words from him. But about St. Francis, it is historical that he had them - it was certainly not as much an honour or privilege, as pain and suffering! But that was the call... they bore it for the love of Christ and Christ's mission with which they were sent.

Today, as we thank God for this great Saint from Assisi, let us pray specially for the Holy Father, and for the entire Church which is so battered by all sorts of forces at present. The Word has a promise for us: if we realise the fact that we are specially called and sent by the Lord, we will naturally realise how humble and underserving we are! From that humility and meekness, will surge a sanctity that can make us become living Christs today - that is, becoming truly Christ-ians!

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