Monday, October 7, 2019

Not just Receive, but Respond

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 27th week in Ordinary time

October 8, 2019: Jonah 3: 1-10; Luke 10: 38-42

To be receptive, is the call today! The people of Nineveh received the message from the Lord, Mary sat mesmerised by the Word of the Lord and Martha received the Lord himself with such love into her house. Going further, the readings have a warning too. Just receiving the message or receiving the Lord is not all. To receive would mean nothing if we do not take to heart the message of the Lord. Jonah does it - he changes, and inspires change! 

Receiving, showing honour and adoration to the Lord, should culminate in an attentive drinking-in of the Word from the Lord and not just that, but putting it into practice. That we are ready for any number of practices of piety, offerings of things and valuables, programmes, performances and rituals, amounts to nothing, if we are not ready to change everyday for the better, in our lives!

The relationship we have with God, if it is real, has to be seen in its manifestations - our humble and dignified perception of ourselves, our respectful demeanour towards the other, our awe-filled embrace of the creation, our uncompromising stand against injustices or any inauthenticity and our longing for the fullness of life for all. That is true hospitality to the Lord, in its holistic sense. 

Elsewhere the Lord clarifies, not all who call 'Lord! Lord!' will be saved, but those who listen to the Word and live it in their daily life (Mt 7:21; Lk 6:46). All our practices of piety are indeed acts of giving glory to the Lord, but the Lord looks out for our daily living, our concrete relationships, our ordinary interactions, our day to day commitments and our priorities! 

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