Monday, October 28, 2019

The Birth-pang Spirituality

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 30th week in Ordinary time

October 29, 2019: Romans 8: 18-25; Lk 13: 18-21

Going through the Word today, a few thoughts came flooding my mind: the mind blowing facts people say about the level of labour pain which many mothers akin to a near-death experience, the recent painful experience of one of my friends allegedly deciding to end his life after whatever he went through within himself, the case of a two year old in a part in Tamilnadu who has fallen into a tube well and after more than 72 hours the anxiety of rescuing is still on... everything seemed related to the imagery that the Lord is sharing today!

Linking all these experiences and the Word today, I saw my mind converge on one reflection: the Birth Pang Spirituality. 

What does this spirituality consist of:
1.Expecting a transformation in Life, a spectacular and paradigmatic transformation as the core of this Spirituality.
2.Knowing well that the expected transformation is not going to come so easily or automatically; it has to be, to a great extent, my effort of course with the external (Divine) assistance.
3.Accepting wholeheartedly the enormous pain that would be involved and knowing well any effort to cut down the pain will not result in the total transformation that is desired.
4.Awaiting eagerly the signs of the beginning of the transformation, in spite of realising the pain that is involved, at times even a thought that nothing seems to be working. 
5.Going through with heroism the entire painful phase of processing that transformation, always keeping in mind that there is someOne greater than me, who is overseeing it all.
6. Having done all that I could, and all that I am called to, waiting with hope for the Lord to act in God's own time.
7. Rejoicing finally in the outcome and being a cause for others to rejoice too!

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