Wednesday, October 23, 2019

With hearts on fire!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 29th week in Ordinary time

October 24, 2019: Romans 6: 19-23; Luke 12: 49-53

With hearts set on fire... that is the way to live an authentic Christian life, invites the Gospel today. 

Fire can symbolically mean light that dispels darkness; one can choose either to live in the light or slumber in the shade - "the work of each will become visible... because it will be revealed with fire"(1Cor 3:13) says the Word. 

Fire can symbolise the purifying fire which tests the genuineness of our faith, faith which is more precious than gold (1 Pet 1:7). Yes, it destroys, but only the dirt; fire makes it disappear, fire makes it disintegrate, fire makes it unidentifiable anymore... thus making the gold shine more and more!

Fire in consuming, can symbolise the saving love of God in Christ, that consumed totally our sins, consumed the very life of the Son of God, even while we were still sinners (Rom 5: 8), consuming his divinity, his humanity, his entire being!

Fire - there is no dilly dallying about it. When it blazes, you either exist or you dont! Yes, the key message today is all about choices! The choices we make, define the persons that we are. Every moment of our life, in our words, in our acts, in our thoughts, in our priorities, in every little decision that we make, we are making choices, we are continually defining who we are, to ourselves first of all and then to the world. Its a choice fundamentally - for death or for life! 

When we choose things that are ungodly we choose death. When we choose righteousness, the way of the Light, the fire of the Lord, we choose eternal life in Jesus Christ. The question is, are our hearts on fire?

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