Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lion's mouth and heads held high

WORD 2day: Thursday, last week in Ordinary time

November 28, 2019: Daniel 6: 12-28; Luke 21: 20-28

From the lions' mouth the Lord delivers Daniel. Another phrase, but it happens literally in Daniel's life. The Gospel presents to us a scene of vengeance, violence and fearsome events... the ultimate message is just one and simple: hold your heads high, the Lord is near!

In the Joy of the Gospel, the exhortation that Pope Francis gave in 2013, he explains, a Christian has to be joyful but that joy will not be experienced in the same way all the time. That is what the readings today wish to impress on our minds. 

At times there will be troubles that threaten to overpower us, temptations that tend to drown us, sinful tendencies that vouch to ruin us, concerns that refuse to leave us... but even at the worst of these moments a true Christian will not lose heart, will never give up! Because at the core of his or her heart, there is joy, the joy that Christ gives, a joy that no one or nothing can take away(Jn 16:22)!  

That is infact what Jesus tells us today in the Gospel - even if you find yourself at the mouth of a lion, or at the threshold of destruction, or at the brink of death - all that you need to do is - believe in the Lord, trust in the mercy of God and "stand up and hold your heads high, for your liberation is at hand!"

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