Tuesday, November 12, 2019

You are Blessed - Realise and Respond!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 32nd week in Ordinary time

November 13, 2019: Wisdom 6: 1-11; Luke 17: 11-19

The readings seem to converge on one thought today... that the Lord wishes, expects, and demands a response from us! 

Our God is a self revealing God... through signs and wonders and prophets and wise persons and finally through God's only Son, and continuously even today in and through God's Spirit, God continues to reveal Godself to us in various ways. Those who do not notice those revelations should be blind in their mind, or blocked in their spirits or bonded with the evil!

On our part, as children of the Lord, we need to realise that the more we are given, the more we are expected to respond! It is not that God gives, so that we would repay! No! What can we give the Lord or how much can we really repay God's goodness? Is there anyone who can merit what God gives or anyone who can recompense God for God's bountiful goodness?

The fact is that, we are given so much, we are filled with such goodness, we receive "grace upon grace" (Jn 1:16), that we realise it is right and just to give God thanks and praise! What a blessing it is to to know what to do at the right time and the way to do it! More blessed it is to know that one has to do something and cannot just keep quiet, because God has given without measure.

To know the right thing to be done at the right time and choosing to do it, is a gift of the Holy Spirit...we would be blessed to possess it. And the Lord says today, "set your desire on my words; long for them, and you will be instructed!" (Wis 6:11). Let us pray for this gift: to realise our blessedness and respond aptly! 

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