Friday, December 20, 2019

Needed Traits to Receive the Lord #1: EAGERNESS

THE WORD IN ADVENT: 21st December

Song of Songs 2:8-14; Luke 1:39-45
Starting today the Word shall point out to us three needed traits to receive the Lord... Is it not for that we have been preparing ourselves? 

Looking forward to meet the love of your life - that is the kind of disposition required if we really want to behold the coming of the Lord. The Song of Songs expresses the longing that one has for the beloved. It's like that innocent sweet child who asked her father at the end of her busy day of birthday celebrations, "Daddy, when will my birthday come again?" 

Imagine you are sitting with a gift box well wrapped... How eager you would feel to open and see what waits inside... How many ways you would try to guess what is there - checking the weight, seeing if it moves, listening to the noise when you shake... All these are ways of atuning yourself to the gift, isn't it? 

It is one thing to know that the Lord would come; it is entirely another thing to go out and meet the Lord. To receive the Lord would mean to be eager to observe every way that the Lord chooses to encounter us, not missing out even on the smallest of the signs.

That eagerness, that longing, that yearning like the parched land for water, like the deer for the running streams, like the drowning person for a breath above the waters... that is the requirement if we really want to encounter the Lord who visits us this Christmas!

It would be important to ask overselves today, how eager are we to encounter the Lord in our daily expediences? 

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