Monday, December 9, 2019

Repent and feel the love of the Shepherd

THE WORD IN ADVENT - Second Tuesday

December 10, 2019: Isaiah 40:1-11; Matthew 18: 12-14

The image we are given to contemplate today is that of the good shepherd with a lamb in his bosom, caressing it with compassion and love! That is what we are in the hands of God. 

It is an humbling experience everyday to realise how much the Lord loves us - in spite of our weaknesses and limitations, repeated failures and endless mistakes. It is enough to contemplate this picture when we feel we are overwhelmed with struggles and surrounded with troubles, we will feel the warmth of his embrace and the consolation of his whispers; despite the enemies that surround us, we will feel a sense of security; and there we will find the strength to begin anew and resume our walk with the Lord. 

"The grass withers, the flower fades"... our life is like that and our promises are so frail. "But the Word of our God will stand for ever" and we are never lost, for the good shepherd will always come in search; will always find us and will gently lead us on! The first reading brings to us this promise and the psalms sings the joys of it. The Gospel instead presents the image to be kept in mind.

The image to be remembered is not only the Good Shepherd who goes in search but also the lamb who lets oneself be found and who cuddles into the warm hands of the caressing Lord. The sacrament of reconciliation, the reconciliation of hearts with the brothers and sisters, a reconciliation to the justice of the Reign as we remember the World Human Rights day - these are concrete itineraries to make our way right back to the Lord. 

Let us Repent and feel the love of the Shepherd!

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