Sunday, January 26, 2020

Becoming One people of God

WORD 2day: Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 27, 2020: 2 Samuel 5: 1-7, 10; Mark 3: 22-30

The call of the people of God is still the theme of the Liturgy... it continues from last week and the reflection on Sunday. The first reading presents to us the scene of the people of Israel being consolidated into One under David, the chosen one of God! The Gospel presents to us Jesus' longing to gather everyone together into one fold as children of God. Elsewhere, in the Gospel according to Matthew we would see this longing of Jesus when he says, "how often I have longed to gather you together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing." (Mtt 23:37) 

Oh, how much our insensitive and self centered attitude renders our Christian life meaningless, pointless and a farce! We judge people, demonise their good will, begrudge their well being, and as a consequence ruin the others' happiness and our own inner peace. It's high time we learn to see God in others, instead of demonising them; that we begin to love people instead of judging them; that we see the glory of God in the well being of the others. 

We see the attempts to demonise Jesus by the hypocritical religious leaders to keep the people from following him. Jesus dialogues with them, tries to put sense into their pride filled, egoistic minds... how would he succeed when they  are not really ready to open their hearts! Our hearts need to listen to each other, only then we can become ONE PEOPLE OF GOD. 

Even if we do not approve of another person's thoughts and actions, we need to at least give them a patient hearing, open listening and a genuine chance to present themselves. That would be truly Christian - and when we do these, surely the faithfulness and the mercy of the Lord will ever be with us!

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