Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Demons don't dare compare!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 2nd week in Ordinary time

January 23, 2020: 1 Samuel 18:6-9,19:1-7; Mark 3: 7-12

As Jesus chases the demons away from the persons possessed with them, the demons acknowledge the Son of God and give him the rightful place. Not even the demons dared compare themselves with the Son of God. They knew, any comparison would only make them more frustrated than they were. 

It is one thing that they did not want to compare with the Christ, the Chosen one of God. But today we find persons so blatantly calling themselves the saviours of human kind, the direct incarnations of Godhead and so on! Let us beware of these caricatures! But there is another point more fundamental here - the demons did not dare compare themselves because they knew there were no point in it. 

Saul failed to learn this lesson and that spelt his doom. He compared himself with David and forgot the good that he himself was able to do with the help of God. In the mind to compare, all that he could think of was that David was overtaking him...he failed to understand he was still the king, though he did not deserve it. We miss out so many gifts we possess, so many of them so undeserved, when we give into the temptation of comparison.

In our daily relationships there is a huge damage done by our tendency to compare. Comparison is a poison and it will surely kill you someday. And remember, even demons do not dare compare!

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