Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Do we know our strength?

WORD 2day: Thursday, 1st week in Ordinary time

January 16, 2020: 1 Samuel 4: 1-11; Mark 1: 40-45

When the Israelites rejoiced at the arrival of the Ark to their tents, the Philistines shivered and recognised that the Lord was amidst them! The Israelites realised their real strength was the Lord. You are my strength, my fortress, my rock of refuge - expressed the Psalmist later. And people saw this true in Jesus too. 

If you wish to, you can cure me, said the man to Jesus, realising the source of grace and salvation is in the mighty will of God. God's will saves us, protects us and guides us. All that we need to do is allow ourselves to be guided, to be strengthened, to be fortified by the Lord. 

We need to rise from a style of life that is a mere damage-control, to a more proactive responsible living. We live life as it occurs to our minds and in a way that we could not care less about God and God's will, until when something untoward happens and we are all down in the drain. Instead, what if we lived, whether in joys or sorrows, whether in victories or failures, whether in the ebb or the flow of life, always mindful of the Lord who is the real provider!

When we realise the presence of God ever in our midst, we will live a life that is worthy of the Lord and the Lord's will; and that alone can keep us from becoming mere laughing stock among the people! Let us live up to our call, our vocation - that of being sons and daughters of God - and do that, always; not just at selective moments. Let us realise our real strength, the Lord our God!

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