Friday, January 3, 2020

They went, they saw, and they stayed!

WORD 2day: Saturday, January 4, 2020

1 John 2:29 -3:6; John 1: 29-34

Come and See, invites Jesus... just as one of the psalms invites us to 'taste and see, that the Lord is good' (Ps 34:8). Don't just seek for second hand information and interpretation of experiences. You come and you see, challenges the Lord.

'Come and See', refers to a call and a choice! Jesus calls us - COME. It is our choice - TO SEE. To see the Lord leading us everyday, to see the Lord directing us on our way; to see the Lord acting on our behalf and to cooperate with the Lord's will in every way... that is the choice we have to make! 

It is a radical choice - a choice of black or white, light or night...there can be no compromise with the Lord - it's righteousness or sin; ultimately, an yes or a no to God! If we choose God, we choose righteousness; if we do not choose God we choose sinfulness. 

Of course there could be moments of temptations and weaknesses, but the choice is fundamental. It defines my daily life, every word I say, every decision I take and every move I make. The disciples, heard the call and they made their choice. They came to see what Jesus was about, they saw and they chose to stay! The same challenge is extended to us at the very beginning of a fresh new year.

We have come to the Lord; we have seen the marvels of the Lord; now the question is, are we ready to STAY forever with the Lord!

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