Wednesday, January 29, 2020

To be given more!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 30, 2020: 2 Samuel 7:18-19,24-29; Mark 4: 21-25

What a lovely seen to picture in our minds - David seated before the presence of the Lord and speaking his heart out! What an example we have! 

David acknowledges the amount of good that the Lord has done on his behalf, the way the Lord raised him up from nowhere. He realises too well, that to be given so much means there is much more expected of him. Though he failed in some ways, due to his weaknesses, his love and dedication to the Lord never ceased.

The Lord chose to raise David up and David proved himself worthy of that choice in spite of his weaknesses: doesn't it look like the story of anyone among us? The Lord has chosen us and we need to live worthy of that choice in spite of our weaknesses and limitations. Yes, we are given with a clear and challenging example in the Word today, and this call has two important dimensions to it.

The first is the need to realise the fact that I am called. The more I live humble and aware of the fact that I am chosen, the more I would be blessed. At times we think we are too small to be chosen, too ordinary to be called. Small or big is never the matter with God - with God every one of us is God's child and every one is chosen and called, in a very particular way.

The second dimension: the more I am blessed the more have I to grow worthy of it. I am never a finished product. I need to be always aware of the goodness of the One who has called me and negotiate all the tricky deviations and treacherous pitfalls on my journey. Weaknesses do not hurt as much as not being aware of them or justifying them! 

To be given more, means I have to grow more. What a lovely way to sanctity! 

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