Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ephphatha: Hear the Warning!

WORD 2day: Friday, 5th week in Ordinary time

February 14, 2020: 1 Kings 11:29-32,12:19; Mark 7: 31-37

Ephphatha, says Jesus today and the man's ears were opened! Ephphatha, says the Minister of the Lord at our Baptism - not to open our physical ears, but to attune our spiritual ears of the heart, to the voice of the Lord within us and all around us! That is the source of true wisdom. Solomon who was given this great gift, lost it in the inebriation of his glory. What about us?

Persons often attempt to justify their acts saying, 'I did it without knowing,' 'unknowingly,' 'without my knowledge,' etc. Though some cases could be due to ignorance, most of the cases of our failures and faults are not so much in a state of ignorance as that of indifference. Every time we make a choice for something that is not right, that is not ethical, that is not moral, that is not virtuous, there is a voice within us that tells us: No, do not! We are either indifferent to it or we stifle it, when we are taken up with the momentary excitement of choosing it! 

The grace that we are reminded of today in the Word, is that of being always attentive to that inner voice, the most important reminder of God's unceasing presence with us. As Isaiah would say, "and when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you sauing, "this is the way walk in it." (Isa 30:21) It is a gift given to every disciple of the Lord, every child of God. It all depends on us, how much we use it or develop it, so that we will always remain close to the Lord and never abandon God to follow the reckless ways.

At times when we ask questions like, 'why this', 'why me', 'why now' would be better to get into a deeper introspection and find out if we have been somewhere indifferent or resistant to the serene and calm voice of the Lord. If we have, it would be good to pray that the Lord says looking at us: Ephphatha.

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