Thursday, March 19, 2020

Return to the Lord - in love!

THE WORD IN LENT - 3rd week, Friday

March 20, 2020: Hosea 14: 2-10; Mark 12: 28-34
Point for Discussion #19: My necessary behaviour and my credible reasoning

"Return" is the message that the readings today give us, as the first reading explicitly begins with. And Jesus in the gospel, states the way to return to the Lord... it is only through love; because "God is love"! 

There can be various reasons to return to something or someone... it could be because you gain something, it could be because you fear something, it could be because you are trying to give someone else a message! But none of these could be right reasons to return to the Lord - the only reason could be because we love the Lord and above all, the Lord loves us!

Loving God and loving one's neighbours, is no more two different things in Jesus' mind. It is one and the same: to love God is to love others, to love others is the easiest way to loving God. More than anything else, loving God is a necessity and loving others is its credibility. The dialogue that we are called to is a dialogue between our necessary behaviour and our credible reasoning - that is our good works for others and our innermost motivation behind those works! 

The most interesting part of today's message, when both the readings taken together, is a short cut to the heart of God. The readings seem almost to suggest that, even if you have a lot of imperfections within you, if you genuinely love, you are closer to the heart of Jesus than the so-called perfect person who lacks compassion and mercy! 

"Love and do what you will", said St. Augustine, who understood the real heart of Jesus, who declares today, that the person who spoke to him was not far from the Reign, simply because he understood the importance of love: love for God and love for one's neighbours!

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