Friday, March 20, 2020

Return to the Lord in love - the invitation continues!

THE WORD IN LENT - 3rd week, Saturday

March 21, 2020: Hosea 5:15 - 6:6; Luke 18: 9-14
Point for Dialogue #20: Loving Sacrifice and Meaningless Ceremonies

'It is love that I desire, not sacrifice,' declares the Lord in the first reading today. In fact, love is the best form of sacrifice one can offer the Lord, says Jesus in the Gospel. 

It is only in love we can become acceptable to the Lord - even the best of liturgical ceremonies, with the biggest of crowds, with the richest of things and the loftiest of creativity involved, will matter nothing when it is done without love - true love for God and concrete love for neighbours! Hence we are led today to a dialogue between truly loving sacrifices that we could offer and meaningless ceremonies and rituals we could end up with!

Speaking of love, we do not refer to a mere sentimental feeling for the other, but a concrete commitment for the good of the other. The concrete commitment is translated in terms of compassion, understanding, not judging, empathising, extending a hand, standing for the other and being ready to lay down one's life for the other! Do we not see exactly the opposite qualities at work today in the world - competition, arrogance, judgements, insensitivity, let downs, conspiracies and ruining others' lives for one's own well being! 

The choice is ours: lie low in the eyes of the spoiled society and be "blessed" in the eyes of the Lord, or parade oneself before the society but be despicable in the eyes of the Lord! What is our choice? Will we go home justified today?

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