Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Law of Love

THE WORD IN LENT - 1st week, Monday

March 2, 2020: Leviticus 19:1-211-18; Matthew 25: 31-46
Point for Dialogue #4: Law or Love

Law and Holiness had a very intimate connection for the Jews. For them, a strict observance of the law meant a sure way to holiness. As time went by, they began to identify the law and holiness, forgetting what lay in between... the relationships that the laws were meant to ensure! This is what Jesus point out to their indignance.  

Laws were given to enhance the relationship between the people and their God and among people with each other as a community. And that is exactly what Jesus stresses on, in the Gospel: the relationships! As St. John questions, how can anyone who does not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, love God whom they have not seen? (cf. 1Jn 4:20). 

Jesus aroused in the Jews of his times, and in all those who heard him, a deep dialogue between law and love! He questioned their sense of security which was ensured by law and made them feel for their brothers and sisters, making them vulnerable in front of their daily situation - torn between the ideals of the so-called world and the ideals of the real Spirit. They had to make that choice for what was 'good' in Christ-ian terms.

Jesus places the same as an absolute condition to us - in and through the dialogue between law and love, the concrete correlation between faith and love; when they combine there is hope; if not, the very fundamentals are under question. 

Let us relearn our basics this lent - let us begin within our family; let us love each other genuinely and that will be the best starting point to grow in holiness, to be people of the Word of God is not to merely know it and speak it, but to live it, in love: that is the law of love!

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