Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Where exactly is your strength?

THE WORD IN LENT - 1st week, Thursday

March 05, 2020: Esther 4:17; Matthew 7: 7-12
Point for Dialogue #7: Natural selfishness or Supernatural sensitivity

Queen Esther's episode in the Bible is a typical theme of faith. The Bible is full of such crucial situations - Moses before Pharaoh, David before Goliath or David before Saul, Elijah before the whole band of prophets of baal, Jeremiah before his own people who wanted to kill him... they were all situations like that in which we find Esther today! 

The simple orphan-girl-turned-queen, taking over the corrupt powers of Persia for the sake of the oppressed Jewish people. Is it not applicable today to the minorities of people struggling for their rights, the minority of righteous persons caught up in the ocean of corruption and evil, the weak and vulnerable masses trying to establish their presence confronted with powerful moneyed and muscled times also Christian minority suffering at the hands of the other dominating powers.

In all the above referred to Biblical situations and specifically today in that of Esther, the message is the same, as Jesus points it out in the Gospel: when you think of the good of the others and not your selfish ends, when you are intent on doing to good to the suffering, the oppressed, the needy and the downtrodden, when you want to stand by God and God's people, you will be faced with hurdles heavy and high. 

It is here that we are challenged to a dialogue between a natural selfishness that would crave to dominate within us and the supernatural grace of sensitivity to the other and the other's sufferings! That is the true strength; a strength that comes from above, from within us, from the totality of strength, God our loving father and mother. 

Turn to your real strength which lies just a cry away, turn to your strength which is there ever present for you to take note of... turn to God and stand firm in faith; for the battle belongs to God (1 Sam 17:47).

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