Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Recognising the Risen Lord


April 15, 2020: Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24: 13-35

To know that Christ is with you, is an incomparable potential. I shall be with you till the end of times, is the promise that Christ gives and keeps! Regardless of whether we realise it or not, acknowledge it or not, recognise it or not, the presence goes with us.  In moments such as what we are going through right now, in a situation health crisis all over the world, do we really make the effort to realise the divine presence with us!

The two disciples on the way to Emmaus, did not recognise Jesus nor acknowledge his presence. Peter and John, were mindful of the fact they had nothing much to offer on their own. The disciples walk all the way back to Jerusalem and the apostles make extraordinary things happen, the moment they become aware of the presence of the Risen Christ with them. 

But we can see what really made them realise that presence... the breaking of the bread. Just look back how during these days of the Holy week the catholic families all over the world, broke bread in their homes as a Universal Church lead by their caring pastors.... weren't they truly moments to recognise the presence of the Lord amidst us, right where we were! That is the presence that the Risen Lord wants us to experience and live by, draw strength from and share with others. 

When I know and am conscious of the presence of the Lord with me, I become capable of living life with an incredible serenity! The Lord's presence with me is a gift; recognising it on a daily basis, is my responsibility! 

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