Friday, April 3, 2020

To be people of the God of love

THE WORD IN LENT - 5th week, Saturday

April 4, 2020: Ezekiel 37: 21-28; John 11: 45-56
Point for Dialogue #31: Our selfish nature and our spiritual self

What a contrast we are given to notice today- while God longs to give life and bring the people to new birth, the people plot to kill the Son of God and do away with him. On the mountain of the Lord, there will be no killing and no hatred! How far we are from the Reign of God when we harbour thoughts of hatred, jealousy, rancour and ruin! 

The obvious call is to initiate a dialogue within us, between our negative tendencies wishing the ruin of the other, vengeance and vindication and the spiritual tendencies of wishing the good and the wellbeing of the other, forgiveness and compassion; between our selfish nature and our spiritual self.

Personal feuds or Political Wars, Communal clashes or cut-throat competitions... they are all against the God of love who dwells amidst us, as God once promised through the covenant made - I will make my dwelling amidst you; you shall be my people and I shall be your God! How many conspiracy theories are making their rounds these days, even about this health crisis that the world is suffering through - the saddest part of it is, most of them seem frighteningly believable and logical!

In the Gospel, we see that the plot thickens today as Jesus is marked to be put to death! Jesus knows he is surrounded by enmity and hatred, but avoids taking it in and remains the love that he is, the love that he came from. How blessed and Christ-like we shall be to decide and choose not to be influenced by the negativity that is purposefully spread by the evil one!

It is a direct call for each of us to analyse whether we are worthy to be called the people of the covenant, children of the God who is love, disciples of the one who offered himself as ransom for many. Let us return to the God of love, be children of that love, be people who will emanate only love and thus make the world a better place, a place closer to the Reign of God, the God of love.

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