Thursday, May 28, 2020

Following the Lord

WORD 2day: Friday after Ascension

May 29, 2020: Acts 25: 13b-21; John 21: 15-19

The total import of following the Lord may not be known to us right at the beginning when we intend to. But the Lord does not spare the moment. He instructs right from the beginning what can, or what is sure to, befall someone who intends to follow Him. Whoever is not ready to take up his daily cross and follow me is not worthy of me, said Jesus categorically (cf. Mt 10:38). 

St. Paul was more than certain of everything that awaited him, the sufferings and even death for the sake of the Lord. "I kept back nothing," he could declare because that was the fact - he did not deem anything worth keeping back from God and from God's purposes; he did not find anything more important that doing what the Lord commanded him to do: go and proclaim.

Jesus himself prepares Peter in his post-resurrection encounter. Invariably all Jesus's apostles, except James it is said, died the death of martyrs. They were prepared for it and they even considered it their privilege. It was in fact the finest way of expressing their love for their Master and Lord. Paul was not exception on this count as well.

Today, with the increasing number of anti-Christian skeptics in the world and anti-Reign elements even within our faith, our challenge to be disciples becomes is more and more demanding. However, it remains categorical as ever. There can be no other choice or no compromise absolutely. Following the Lord means following Him in everything, right till the end.

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