Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The duty to be Saints


May 6, 2020: Remembering Dominic Savio, the Young giant of Sanctity
Wednesday, 4th week in Easter time: Acts 12:24 - 13:5; John 12: 44-50

We remember a boy, hardly 15 but, who remains a giant in the sanctity he achieved within that short span. That is what Pope Pius XI described Dominic Savio as, 'a towering giant in spirit.' Dominic wanted to be a salesian priest and in fact had just started the journey, as an aspiring young boy in Don Bosco's Oratory. But he died a month before completing the 15th year of his earthly life - many called it premature but a deeper look would prove that  judgement totally wrong. He was ready, prepared and eager within those years to crown his earthly sojourn, with an incomparable union with his Eternal Saviour. More than anything else, more even than being a priest, he wanted to be a saint and that he did!

This call to sanctity that Dominic felt, was something that bound him, impelled him and at times even frightened him: he feared he would not measure up to that call. He believed his life would be a waste of time, if he did not work towards becoming a saint. This was because he was convinced that it was not just an achievement to become a saint, but it was a duty to be a saint. Yes, according to him, it is our duty to become saints; that is what he understood in the Spirit, guided by Don Bosco. How convinced are we that it is our duty to be saints?

The Word insists on the same today- Paul, Barnabas, John Mark the young lad with them, those who prayed for them and sent them with an anointing...  all of them were convinced they were living their lives as God wanted them, as the Saviour called them, as the Light of the Spirit led them. Yes, the Light had come into the world. And every one who hears the Word, sees the Light, has to listen to it, live by it, follow it faithfully. If not, they are condemned by their own choices, says the Lord in the Word today.

We are called. We have heard the Word. We have seen the Light. How mindful we need to be with our daily choices... just as Dominic Savio was! Let the Light of the Spirit enable us and empower us to realise our duty to be Saints.

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