Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Twelfth Man


May 14, 2020: Feast of St. Matthias, the Apostle
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; John 15: 9-17

Feast of any apostle is a reminder to each of us that we are called to be an apostle, sent in the name of the Lord. As my Father sent me, so I send you...said the Lord after his resurrection. Though the event of the election of Mathias is overshadowed by the sorrowful and unfortunate end of Judas, the feast has its usual charm of inviting us to an absolute commitment to the Lord.

There is another dimension that Matthias brings into the Apostleship, in a very specific manner! He was not considered an apostle as long as Jesus moved around with them, in his earthly sojourn. But when Jesus was present amidst them as the Risen Christ he was the substitute for the one who lost the way, as the twelfth man! That is both an inspiration and a warning - a warning that we could lose our way any time, be whatever the reason; an inspiration that Jesus is as active as he was when he was around physically - I choose you and I commission you, to go out and bear fruit! The place of that twelfth man is open to each and every one of us! Jesus seems to inspire us telling - even his band of apostles were not the perfect one; we could play our part, however little, to perfect it, complement it and complete it, in our own way!

Besides, the Word today adds a wonderful note to the reflection on our call, as it seems to underline the one objective in being an apostle, or for that matter in being a disciple: in Jesus' own words, "as my Father loves me, so I love you!" The primary aim is to receive in all its fullness the abundant love of the Father, through Jesus our friend! And it is in receiving that love, our joy is made complete! 

Let us rejoice in being loved, and love each other in return!

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