Friday, June 5, 2020

About the crown, let the Lord do the worrying!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 9th week in Ordinary time

June 6, 2020: 2 Timothy 4:1-8; Mark 12: 38-44

The time is sure to come when, far from being content with sound teaching, people will be avid for latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes [...] and turn to myths (2 Tim 4: 3,4). What a wisdom from Paul and what a forewarning from the Word. 'Collecting a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes and turning away from the truth' - isn't that happening widespread today? With the social network replacing pulpits and online applications stripping the churches of their importance, the danger is much greater, don't you feel? In fact, there are among Catholics, those from whom we hear today preferences that relativise what we have held always central to our faith all our life!

There is nothing to be alarmed about although this could instantly be a disturbing development, says the Word today. What God deals with is not the long robes and elegant tassels or long prayers and elaborate ceremonies, but the inner self and interior disposition! The two copper coins of the widow certainly was more worth than the sacks and tonnes of gold and silver that the haughty rest were depositing in those treasuries. The sentence finally, Jesus says, would not depend on the volume of their gift but the intention and the interior disposition with which the gift was made! 

Let us not be taken away by human wisdom, corporate techniques and technical prowess. Let our hearts be fixed on that one Truth, one Wisdom and the one Light that illumines our way... that we will continuously and unceasingly be led to the singular love of God and a selfless love of God's people - that all pervading love of God and absolutely binding call to love each other. Let our hearts not long for a crown or a success here and now; but let our gazes be fixed on that finish line, that we may run our races to the full and fight our bouts to the end! About the crown, let God do the worrying!

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