Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Faithfulness to the Faithfulness

WORD 2day: Thursday, 9th week in Ordinary time

June 4, 2020: 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Mark 12:28b-34

Even if we are unfaithful, the Lord is faithful, because God cannot deny Godself - says St. Paul to Timothy in the letter today! Two things to be noted here: one, the faithfulness of God and the other is the reason for that faithfulness. God is faithfulness personified and there could be no doubt about it. The beauty is the reason that Paul reflects on: that we are God's own selves, we are images and likenesses of God, God's beloveds, so much part of God's very being... that God loves us and has loved us into existence. 

God is faithfulness personified. And our faithfulness to the Lord is a response that we give to the faithfulness of the Lord. No one obliges us to be faithful to God, in fact, no one should. Not even our parents or our elders who have experienced, God and their relationship with God. Their role ends with introducing us to God... then it is our experience with God that has to take us forward. Our faithfulness to God has to be a response to the relationship that we build with God as a person who is close to us, lives with us and shares our being with us. Is our faith, such an experience?

Loving God... we love because, God loved us first. We are faithful because the Lord is faithful to us! Indeed, our love of God and our faithfulness to God, is our readiness and put commitment to relate to God and be faithful to the faithfulness of the Lord! The Lord is always open, eager, and longing for our relationship, though it is we who solely "gain" out of that relationship and love! But depends on our choices and our priorities, how far are we from God and God's Reign. 

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