Friday, June 12, 2020

Speaking in Action


June 13, 2020: Celebrating St. Anthony of Padua
I Kings 19: 19-21; Matthew 5: 33-37

Do not swear at all; just act! Do not just promise; be righteous and noble! Do not just speak; but live! If at all you speak, let your actions speak before your words, your promises and your propaganda.

Elisha speaks in action, just like Elijah did while he figuratively communicated that he passes on the mandate given to him, to Elisha. Elisha responds in concrete by burning the plow and slaughtering the bulls... that was a response in action, commitment made visible, readiness made absolute. The episode reminds us of the famous phrase, "burning the boats", choosing a point of no return for the sake of the Lord.

The Saint of today is no less an example for the same. St. Antony has a fame that makes him a favourite among most of the people of God. Leaving out the signs and wonders and miracles reported in and through his intercession, one thing that stands out in this person of God, is his complete dedication to God. He lived his entire life, for God, for God's Word and for God's Reign. A saint who not only spoke, but continues to speak in action!

Each of us is invited specifically at our own moment in history to live a call that is specific to each of us. Realising this call and responding to it with a sense of absolute commitment is the message that the readings present to us: not to reflect and come up with some sound and sweet interpretation; but to look for a way of living our faith concretely on a daily basis. Let every word be worthy of being accompanied by an admirable action; let every action of ours be inspired by the Word that has called us and commissions us. 

Let us listen to the Word, and speak the Word, above all, in action.

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