Monday, June 1, 2020

The God perspective and godly priorities

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 9th week in Ordinary time

June 2, 2020: 2 Peter 3: 11-15,17-18; Mark 12: 13-17

The sky dissolving in flames and elements melting in heat... looking at the imagery that Peter gives us today, it looks like the Word is speaking to us as from a live channel: the pandemic still spreading its effect, the locusts on the rave, the international political polemics, the suffering migrants, the rioting crowds, the exploiting politicians... what are these signs of? They are signs of new heaven and new earth in the making. 

New heaven and new earth! Where is it being made: in our very lives. Who is actually making it: those of us who wish to live our life in righteousness and integrity. When will it be manifested: in God's own time. What is our responsibilty: go on living our lives in grace and union with our Lord Jesus Christ. What is this living in grace: it is living as we should, living as we are called to, living as the Lord wants us to. That is the very foundation of our human call and christian vocation. 

Jesus explains today the formula of living a righteous life: give to God what belongs to God and give to the world what belongs to the world. In simple words, have a balanced, clear and holistic perspective and priorities in life. 

The God-perspective of life: what does God want of me? Living holy and saintly lives, waiting on the Lord, clarifies Peter in his letter (v.11). The godly priorities in life: what would God consider important? God's relationship with me- that is what God would consider most important in the whole of universe. Should that not be my priority too? How important is it for me, my relationship with God? How real, personal and authentic is my relationship with my God? Am I giving God what belongs to spiritual self?

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