Friday, July 24, 2020

Jesus' School of Servant Leadership


July 25, 2020: Remembering St. James, the Major
2 Corinthians 4: 7-15; Matthew 20: 20-28

Feast of any Apostle reminds us of the wonderful words that St. Paul utters today: "we hold this treasure in earthen vessels". Every apostle has his own weakness, nevertheless the gift that they are and that they possess, surpasses everything as God's power and might is revealed in it.

Feast of St. James (with the Gospel that we are given to reflect today) reminds us of this more strongly and adds another specific teaching, a teaching from Jesus' School of Servant Leadership. In Matthew's and Mark's versions of the Gospel, we find every time that Jesus foretells about his passion, he follows it up with the discourse on servant leadership (as we see in Mt 16:24ff; 18:1ff; 20:20ff). 

The world today asks without fail, in doing anything, "what is there FOR ME in it?" The tendency to look for a gain in everything, doing only those that will bring something in return for me, doing everything in a manner that things will turn in my favour, or doing things with a mind to manipulate them in order that I gain the most given any situation - these are some competences that are advocated by the society today and everyone is expected to grow in this expertise. Jesus' school of leadership, has a totally different mindset to offer. 

James and John took some time to realise that the only thing they could inherit from Jesus was his identity as Suffering Servant! That is what Jesus repeatedly taught them - you serve and in serving you become a person of God! Once James and John understood it, they understood what it meant to be a true apostle of Christ.

Eventually they wanted to drink the cup that Jesus mentioned and that is what they did. James led the community of Jerusalem... humble and service minded as the Master himself; and his blood shed like the Master's (Acts 12:2). Let us praise the Lord for the apostle St. James and be prepared to witness to the Lord till our last breath, in our humble service!

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