Monday, July 20, 2020

Mercy and Faithfulness

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 16th week in Ordinary time
July 21, 2020: Micah 7: 14-15,18-20; Matthew 12: 46-50

The most concrete expression of God's faithfulness is God's mercy which is so boundless and plentiful. At times people insist on the 'anger' of the Lord and question where it has disappeared when things untoward happen or persons inhuman affect others or the society at large. Are we really right to attribute human emotions to God: the Old Testament people did it, when theology had not really developed as much as we have it today; when the revelations were yet to come to their fullness, which happened concretely in Christ our Lord! 

One attribute that can be logically justified is that of God's unlimited mercy, because we have come to know God as Love... God is Love, God is Mercy, God is Goodness and therefore to say, God abounds in Mercy, could be logically sustained. And the Gospel today clarifies, on our part the concrete way of  living our mercy is being faithful to the biddings of the Lord.

Being faithful to the biddings of the Lord would consist of being attentive to everything around me, being truly concerned about everyone around me and being open to the promptings of the Spirit within me. These days when there is so much suffering all around, there is endless uncertainties everywhere, there is anxiety on almost every ordinary person in the society... we are called to remain attentive to the Lord speaking through the other, the Lord challenging in and through the other to remain merciful...that would be the most crucial bidding of the Lord today: to be merciful.

Mercy is not about doing some charitable acts here and there and now and then. But it is becoming like God, growing in our godliness and being signs of God's faithfulness to those who are in need of it. It begins right from home - with your spouse, with your children, with your parents, with your neighbours, with your need strangers...with your brother and your sister. Be ye merciful as your Lord God is merciful!

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