Thursday, August 13, 2020

Conviction of our Real Image


August 14, 2020: Remembering St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe 
Ezekiel 16: 1-15, 60, 63; John 15: 12-16

The Word today brings out the Merciful face of God at its best. The Lord resents that the people of Israel have abandoned the covenant that they had entered into with the Lord. When the Lord contemplates even a penalty, he contemplates it in terms of goodness! Being good to them and being good to all those who will respect the commandment, this is what the Lord contemplates. 

We may see that the people of Israel lose that privilege as  'chosen race' but every race becomes special provided they choose the Lord. It is, therefore the most important element that there is - it is again back to that key element of any spiritual maturity: Choice!  The Lord is always good...and we can taste that goodness if we choose to! We can become chosen race, if we choose God to be our priority!

The saint we remember today, Maximilian Kolbe, made a drastic choice, a radical and absolute choice, a choice of life and death, the choice for both the white crown of sanctity and the red crown of martyrdom - for the sake of what he was convinced; that there is no greater love than this, that one gives his or her life for another. He did not mind laying his life down for an unknown friend in the concentration camp. Even God's love has been manifested to us, in this same scheme of events. The love out of which God gave God's only Son and the love out of which the Son of God gave himself totally to the children of God, that we may share His heirship. 

We are called to image that same love, for we are made of exactly the same substance. Those who are totally convinced of it, turn into saints. Those who are moderately convinced of it, keep struggling, keeping that fight on, day in and day out. Those who are not convinced of it, make not only their life miserable, even the existence of entire humanity miserable and painful. How convinced are we of our real image: God, who is Love! 

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