Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Lord be with you!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 21st week in Ordinary time

August 26, 2020: 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-10, 16-18; Matthew 23: 27-32

The loftiest wish one can make for another is, that the Lord be with him or her! But a Christian hears it almost all the time that he or she is out there to pray, specially in union  with the other brothers and sisters. Is that no our day to day experience? Today St. Paul makes the same wish and prays that we may be blessed with peace. 

True peace and serenity will come only with the presence of the Lord and that is the meaning of the wish, 'Lord be with you!' The Hebrew and the Arabic tradition captures it excellently well with their wish - Shalom (in Hebrew) and Salaam (in the Arabic versions). This is a wish for happiness, peace, serenity and fulfillment all in one, coming from the presence of the Lord experienced and lived on a daily basis and at every moment of one's life.

But this wish is at one and the same time, a blessing and a challenge. A blessing because it is in that moment of blessing that the Lord decides to intervene definitively in favour of the salvation of the entire humankind. With the Lord by my side I can face any stormy sea. With the Lord on my side, I can stand firm against anything that works against peace or well being of humanity. 

The wish is a challenge because, the Lord being with us all the time, is a bit inconvenient. We would prefer rather to be by ourselves at times, in secret and privacy. We would rather not think of the all-knowing and ever present God at some moments of our daily lives. The Lord would be aware of everything we say or do, because the Lord is close at hand. Would I feel comfortable if the Lord knows all that I am involved in? Or would there be areas, where I would rather be by myself, without God? That is a challenge! If only we examine all those things that break peace and spoil serenity - we would see they belong to this category, where we wish to be away from the Lord. And Jesus challenges us saying we try to get rid of all that reminds of God...signs, reminders, experiences and even, persons some times.

It is good to reflect today, how much do we mean it when we wish each other, the Lord be with you...and also with you! 

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