Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Realisation leads to transformation

WORD 2day: Thursday, 22nd week in Ordinary time

September 3, 2020: 1 Corinthians 3: 18-23; Luke 5: 1-11

A person who has been going for spiritual direction for quite some time, once complainingly remarked to the Spiritual director: "but, you keep saying for everything, become conscious!" The Spiritual director calmly said, "yes! that's the key! become conscious, or you can make no change. Realise and you can change, you can grow, you can transform!" 

Realisation alone leads to proper self understanding: realisation of one's limitedness leads to humility and realisation of one's givenness, to gratitude! It is this realisation that made Peter fall at the Lord's feet; it is the same realisation that made Paul remind us, life or death, everything belongs to God, we belong to God! There is nothing else to boast about, than the fact that we belong to God.

Realisation, Awareness, Consciousness, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation, and today another term used frequently, Mindfulness... various terms referring to the same reality: "Be still and know that I am God". It is not merely knowing, for we all know and we know a lot. It is more than knowing; it is, knowing that I know; it is knowing what I know and what I do not. That is what realisation is all about. 

And it is only realisation that leads to transformation; that act of casting the nets into the deep, for a true catch! All that we need to do is move ourselves into that depth, the depth of realisation and the Lord will lead us to transformation. 

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